Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ahead of schedule?

We started the display for the inside of the store and it is almost ready to install. It is moving a lot quicker than expected, which is good considering the snow storm that is on its way. So far this week I've been doing some smaller jobs. I did signage for two separate areas (one for the front of the store and the other for the dressing room). I'll post pictures later this week possibly. I've also been shellacing a lot for the display. We also got to present our sketches for one of the concepts to our bosses today. We all agreed it was difficult to put on paper what was going on in our heads. It ended up being a big brainstorm that will be sketched up tonight. Hopefully we helped out a little!

Friday, January 21, 2011


It was yet another snowy morning, so only 2 interns (including myself) made it in. All of the craziness is about to begin. While our bosses were out shopping for a TON of materials Iris and I worked on some signage. The written part was done last week, but we got to finish them off. I got to do a practice that I am very familiar with.. hand-stitching paper. They came out really cute! I did the peach one and Iris did the darker patterned sign. (Above) The rest of the day we spent painting A LOT. I'm really excited to start constructing the things that we painted, but that is all I can say for now! I also posted pictures of the exterior window with the zipper flowers. Sorry about the reflection, but it was just too cold to fuss with my camera today. Happy friday!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Excitement to come!

This week has been pretty slow. We've done a lot of retail shipment and things, but not as much art. I'm super excited though because we were trusted with coming up with some ideas! They told us the new concepts for one of the spaces in the store and each person is supposed to come up with sketches and ideas based off of that. At the end of next week, we will get together and have a big group brainstorm over what to do in the final space. I love how much freedom that is to do whatever we want. I'm just going to let my creative juices flow on this one!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Window Displays: 2 down, 1 to go!

Small interior window: We named her Tiffany=)
Remember those 3000 clothes pins (first batch)? Thats what all of those fans on her dress are.

I did the tan fans in between the clothes pin fans! It was really nice to be trusted to work on a display itself.
Large interior window: Christina?
Love how she looks like shes floating.
Not quite finished, but Christina's dress continues into these clothes pins (2nd batch of 3000). Its still being finished up, but looks amazing.
Clothes pins- I white washed and dyed all 3000 the day before.
Zipper Flowers! They go on the outside window's dress. I'll put up pictures of that one soon. Shes just as beautiful as the other girls=)

Apparently mossing is a talent of mine? Who knew.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The displays are literally almost done! I should be posting pictures this weekend of the store and all of the BEAUTIFUL displays. Today we worked on the large interior window. We hung the second batch of 3000 clothes pins that I spent all of yesterday white washing/dying various colors. There are still a few more to do, but they shall be done tomorrow! At the end of the day I got to work on fixing fans that fell off of the first dress that we worked on (small interior window). Its always nice to be trusted with that kind of a job. I really enjoy being given responsibilities where I have to problem solve. Can't wait to take pictures tomorrow!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday: exciting finish

The window displays are coming into public view! Its so exciting. Today, my boss started working on the first mannequin (nicknamed Veronica). She is beautiful so far! Everyone who passes by just stops dead in their tracks and stares. I got to help out with the construction of of her dress today by filling in tissue paper fans to complete the dress. It made up for the 2 hours of vacuuming that I did in the morning (while looking like a ghost buster). I'll post pictures either tomorrow or when she is complete! Oh, I also got to use a drill today..love my power tools. =)

Applying what I learned!

Clothes pin fans: I loved the ones we made for the store so much that I decided to make my own! I'm going to personalize them somehow into room decor most likely.

Friday, January 7, 2011

week of never ending clothes pins

I completed my first week of my internship at Anthropologie (yay!). Its really exciting to be a part of such an awesome process. We've been working nonstop all week long and I cannot wait to see the final window display. I'll be sure to post pictures when the whole thing is up. As of now, its top secret stuff! We did a lot of clothes pin dissection and reconstruction this week. The results are beautiful and I'm definitely going to replicate in my free time (that's how much I love "them")! My hands definitely need the weekend to recover.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First Day!

I had my first day as a Visual Intern at the Christiana Anthropologie store today! My bosses Jason and Nicole are so talented and I can't wait to work with them. My first job was to scrape all of the "sale" paint off the windows. It literally gave me blisters. Then the fun began. I got to hot glue moss on tables to complete these mystical tree stump villages created by my bosses. I love hot glue, so that was fun. Then I started working on constructing a future window display out of chicken wire. I had never worked with it before, but I might add it to my future projects somehow because its so cheap and easy to mold. The only down side is that it made my fingers bleed. Then I cut about a trillion circles out of tissue paper with a super cool cutting machine that is basically a perfectionist's dream. Those will be for that window display somehow. Lastly, I started taking apart close pins... 3000 of them. That is still a work in progress though. Apparently it was a dull day, so I'm really excited to see what is to come! Above are a few things that I showed when applying for the internship. I just happened to do a shopping bag design for Anthropologie, so I showed them what I did there!